The unknown Russia: dissolving the myths
A vast snow-clad country, the native land of vodka, bears and the KGB: myths about Russia seem to be an integral part of its image. The reality is a heady mix of people, traditions and history.
Spanning 9 time zones and two continents, Russia puzzles and fascinates. Taking up an immense space, a home to different nationalities and cultures, it’s often called a bridge between the East and the West. You can spend a lifetime exploring it without ever unveiling all its mysteries or feel at home over a week-end.
It’s a country of snow-covered plains and sizzling seaside, never-ending forests and high peaks, vibrant cities and forlorn villages. Everything’s on a grand scale. For centuries Russia’s been changing and re-inventing itself. It’s seen great glory and great downfalls. Emerging as one of the world’s top powers, it’s still dealing with its Soviet past. A land of age-old traditions and contrasts. For almost a century it’s been seen as “an evil empire”. Some believe it still is. Others think it’s carving itself a new place in the world.
A challenge as much as a destination, it’s the unknown Russia. It’s up to you to discover it.
Modernizing Russia, Nikita Mikhalkov, Kazimir Malevich, Maslenitsa
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Once Putin’s right-hand man, President Medvedev has vowed to put his own stamp on Putin’s policies while fighting against corruption.

An ardent proponent of non-figurative art as the supreme form of human creative activity, Kazimir Malevich is best known among the general public for his “Black Square” painting.

A week of celebrations preceding the Great Lent, marking the end of winter and welcoming spring.
Magic tablecloth Muslim Magomayev Anton Makarenko Nikolay Makarov Natalia Makarova Nestor Makhno Ekaterina Maksimova Georgy Malenkov Kazimir Malevich Rodion Malinovsky Savva Mamontov Osip Mandelstam Aleksey Maresyev Maria Feodorovna, Empress Consort of Russia Samuil Marshak Marxism-Leninism Maslenitsa Maslenitsa festivities in Istra valley Master riders saddled shirtless and armored Aleksandr Matrosov Matryoshka Denis Matsuev Valentina Matvienko Vladimir Mayakovsky Medovukha Medved Dmitry Medvedev Leonid Melamed Dmitry Mendeleev Aleksandr Menshikov Vsevolod Meyerhold Niccolo Michetti Ivan Michurin MiG Mikhail Kalashnikov museum Nikita Mikhalkov Sergey Mikhalkov Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay Artyom Mikoyan Anastas Mikoyan Military Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky Andrey Mironov Sergey Mironov Mishka Kosolapiy Mochit’ v sortire Modernizing Russia Igor Moiseev Vyacheslav Molotov Count Montfort The Mons Family Aleksey Mordashov Nonna Mordyukova Savva Morozov Moscow planetarium reopens after reconstruction Moscow Ski Track Vera Mukhina Gerhard Friedrich Muller Murzilka Museum of Soviet gaming machines Music Modest Mussorgsky Anastasia Myskina Mysterious charm of the North Caucasus Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchausen Count Burkhard Christoph von Münnich
New head, new hopes, Anna Netrebko, Rudolph Nureyev, Vladimir Nabokov
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From spy to President, the enigmatic Mr. Putin is largely credited with getting Russia back on its feet. However, many say that Russia’s stability came with a cost.

Rudolf Nureyev was a ballet dancer from the Soviet Union known throughout the world for his breathtakingly talented performances and fantastic commitment.

Vladimir Nabokov is Russian-American writer, lecturer and entomologist. Most famous for his novel, Lolita, about a literary scholar’s obsession with a 12 year old girl.
Elvira Nabiullina Vladimir Nabokov Pavel Nakhimov Sergey Naryshkin The Naryshkins Aleksey Navalny Nikolay Nekrasov Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko Boris Nemtsov New economic policy (NEP) Pyotr Nesterov Mikhail Nesterov Nestor the Chronicler Anna Netrebko Aleksandr Nevsky Leonid Nevzlin New head, new hopes Nicholas I Nicholas II Night-time exhibition and concert in Moscow Metro Afanasy Nikitin Patriarch Nikon Yury Nikulin Vatslav Nizhinsky Valeria Novodvorskaya Nicholas Roerich Rudolph Nureyev
Oleg Veshchy (The Prophet), Official state holidays, Alexander Ovechkin, Lyubov Orlova
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These special days are reminders of the events that shaped the history and culture of Russia.
Of Russian origin Official state holidays Bulat Okudzhava Oladushki Old New Year Oleg Veshchy (The Prophet) Princess Olga of Kiev On this day Opening ceremony of "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" monument in Moscow Opera and ballet Oprichnina Grigory Ordzhonikidze Grigory Orlov Aleksey Orlov (Chesmensky) Lyubov Orlova Nikolay Ostrovsky Aleksandr Ostrovsky Ottepel Alexander Ovechkin The Ovechkin Family Sergey Ozhegov
Mikhail Piotrovsky, Political system, Population, Aleksandr Pushkin
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Mikhail Piotrovsky is a Russian scientist and the Director of the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg.

The post-Soviet constitution set a new basis for the country’s structure, a first in Russian history.

Some 140 thousand people from nearly 160 different ethnic groups inhabit Russia, but the majority are Russian.

Aleksandr Pushkin is considered Russia's greatest poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
The Era of Palace Coups Palekh Nikita Panin Ivan Papanin Boris Pasternak Paul I Ivan Pavlov Yakov Pavlov Anna Pavlova Pechka Viktor Pelevin Grigory Perelman Perestroika Dmitry Peskov Peter II Peter III Peter I the Great Marius Petipa Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin Pioneers Mikhail Piotrovsky Dmitry Pisarev Kira Plastinina Vyacheslav Plehve Georgy Plekhanov Fyodor Plevako Maya Plisetskaya Ivan Poddubny Nikolay Podgorny Aleksandr Pokryshkin Boris Polevoy (Kampov) Politburo Political system Politics and society Dzhokhan Pollyeva Georgy Poltavchenko Po ponyatiyam Population Portyanki Vladimir Potanin Potemkinskie derevni Grigory Potyomkin Vladimir Pozner Pelmeni Ponty Proletary Prodrazvyorstka Mikhail Prokhorov Sergey Prokofiev Prominent Russians Prorub Emelyan Pugachev Alla Pugacheva Pushchino Radioastronomical Observatory Aleksandr Pushkin Vladimir Putin Pyatiletka
Russia after the Soviet Union, The Romanovs, Religion, Grigory Rasputin
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The collapse of the USSR, the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and Yeltsin’s reforms gone awry mark a period of great difficulty for a Russia in transition.

The Romanov Dynasty (1613 to 1917) was the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. During the Romanov reign Russia became and remained a major European power.

Russia is home to all three of the world’s dominant religions, with thousands of churches and mosques making up some of the finest architectural masterpieces.

Grigory Rasputin, a peasant who exerted a powerful influence over Nicholas II and Aleksandra, is one of the most mysterious figures of Russian history.
Sergey Rachmaninov Aleksandr Radishchev Arkady Raikin Faina Ranevskaya Grigory Rasputin Rassol Stepan (Stenka) Razin Registracia Reituzi Religion Religion Ilya Repin Resistance from within: Museum of German Anti-Fascists Rezhim Viktor Reznikov Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov Antonio Rinaldi Road trip: Baikonur, launch of the Soyuz rocket Svyatoslav Roerich Konstantin Rokossovsky Aleksey Mikhailovich Romanov Anastasia Romanova Elizaveta Petrovna Romanova The Romanovs Dietmar Rosenthal Karl Rossi Mstislav Rostropovich Robert Rozhdestvensky Red Army Andrey Rublev Marco Ruffo Rukomoinik Russia after the Soviet Union Russian history Russian Imperial Duma Russia’s unique Iron Museum Russkaya Pravda Aleksandr Rutskoy The Ryabushinsky family Eldar Ryazanov Ryurik
Shchi, Andrey Sakharov, Joseph Stalin, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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When talking about Russian cuisine, shchi, the delicious hot soup, is one of the most distinguishable dishes – along with pelmeni and okroshka.

Andrey Sakharov was a brilliant scientist, designing the hydrogen bomb and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Joseph Stalin is one of the most controversial and enigmatic figures in Russian history and is still the subject of fierce discussions.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian Nobel prize-winning author who exposed the horror of Soviet prison labor camps and gave new meaning to the word "gulag."
Viktor Sadovnichy Marat Safin Nikas Safronov Andrey Sakharov Salo Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin Darya Saltykova Samogon Samovar Samoyedstvo Tanya Savicheva Aleksey Savrasov August Ludwig von Schlozer Alfred Schnittke Science and technology Aleksandr Scriabin Dinara Safina Igor Sechin Semibankirschina Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Seni Saint Seraphim of Sarov Anatoly Serdyukov Kirill Serebrennikov Serfs Valentin Serov Mintimer Shaimiev Varlam Shalamov Maria Sharapova Shchi Aleksey Shchusev Eduard Shevardnadze Yury Shevchuk Ivan Shishkin Sergey Shmatko Sergey Shoigu Mikhail Sholokhov Dmitry Shostakovich Sergey Shoygu The Shparos Shuba Vasily Shukshin Klavdia Shulzhenko Vasily Shuysky Igor Sikorsky Siloviki Denis Simachev Siphon Sitro Nikolay Sklifosovsky Skomorokh Slavophiles and Zapadniki Smekalka Smenka Anatoly Sobchak Ksenia Sobchak Sergey Sobyanin Pietro Antonio Solari (Pietro Fryazin) Fyodor Sologub Sergey Solovyov Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Soviet Monument “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman” under reconstruction Soviet posters and front-line photos The Soviet saint Space and aviation Spartak Maria Spiridonova Sport Sputnik Sergius of Radonezh (Sergey Radonezhsky) Shashlyk Snegurochka Sovok Subbotnik Sukhoi St Petersburg from the sky St. Petersburg’s miniature copy Aleksey Stakhanov Joseph Stalin Stalin's Purges Konstantin Stanislavsky Stilyagi Pyotr Stolypin Strategic bombers graveyard Igor Stravinsky Street of History Eduard Streltsov Streltsy Arkady and Boris Strugatsky Old Style and New Style Pavel Sukhoi Vasily Surikov Ivan Susanin Sushki Aleksandr Suvorov Yakov Sverdlov Georgy Sviridov Syrniki
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Troika, Through Time of Troubles to Imperial Russia, Leo Tolstoy
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A key figure in the history of science, Tsiolkovsky, never having had a degree, conducted studies on rocketry, paving the way for conquering space.

The last Ryurik Dynasty member dies with no heir and Russia plunges into the Time of Troubles, bringing the closest royal relative, Mikhail Romanov, to the throne, and the Romanov Dynasty begins.

A Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy is widely seen as one of the greatest European novelists of all time.
Table of Ranks Taiga Viktor Talalikhin Tamada Tanks for the memories Artem Tarasov Mikael Tariverdiev Andrey Tarkovsky Vasily Tatishchev Pyotr Tchaikovsky Telogreika Valentina Tereshkova The Moscow underground river Neglinnaya The Romanov dynasty The Ryurikovich dynasty The world's biggest collection of tanks at Kubinka museum The Yury Gagarin Russian State Science Research Cosmonauts Training Center (Star City) Theophanes the Greek Through Time of Troubles to Imperial Russia Natalya Timakova Leo Tolstoy Aleksey Tolstoy Aleksey N Tolstoy Georgy Tovstonogov Vasily Trediakovsky Pavel Tretyakov Domenico Andrea Trezzini Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) Tselina Zurab Tsereteli Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Nikolay Tsiskaridze Viktor Tsoy Marina Tsvetaeva Troika Mikhail Tukhachevsky Andrey Tupolev Ivan Turgenev Fyodor Tyutchev
Uncle Joe at the wheel, Vladimir Ustinov, Fyodor Ushakov, Galina Ulanova
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Criticized for his horrific Gulag labor camps and mass repressions by some, others praise Stalin for turning Russian into an industrial powerhouse.

Vladimir Ustinov is ex-Prosecutor General and a current Presidential Envoy to the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Fyodor Ushakov was responsible for the modernization of the Russian Navy in the 18th century. His military operations are still carefully studied in naval academies worldwide today – over 200 years later.

Galina Ulanova was an iconic figure in Soviet ballet, called by another legendary dancer of the 20th century, Rudolf Nureev, “the world's Number One ballerina.”
Galina Vishnevskaya, Varezhki, Valenki, Nikolai Valuev
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Vishnevskaya is the beacon of modern classical music and the diva of international opera, whose exquisite soprano has impressed audiences all over the world.

Nikolai Valuev is a Russian boxer who became the Russian Champion in 1999 and Champion of the World, according to the Pan-Asian Boxing Association in 2000.
Evgeny Vakhtangov Nikolai Valuev Valyat' duraka Vanka-Vstanka Viktor Vasnetsov Nikolay Vavilov Vasily Vereshchagin Aleksandr Vertinsky Victory Day Fireworks Victory Day parade training Vinegret Galina Vishnevskaya Vladimir I Vladimir Monomakh (Monomachus) Vodka Anastassia Volochkova Kliment Voroshilov Mikhail Vrubel Valenki Vareniki Varezhki Venik Pyotr Vyazemsky Vladimir Vysotsky Vytrezvitel
Ferdinand (Fyodor) Wrangel, Warming up during the Cold War, War and peace era, Sergei Witte
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Admiral Ferdinand Wrangel was an outstanding scientist and seaman who made two world cruises and was a notable public figure.

From the creation of NATO and the KGB to the space and arms race, the Cold War saw the passing of Josef Stalin and the theatrics of Nikita Khrushchev.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia in 1812 becomes the turning point in a series of Napoleonic Wars, becoming the subject of the world-renowned novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy.

Count Sergei Witte was a highly influential Russian policy-maker, witnessing the abolition of serfdom and the first Russian Revolution.
Yermak Timofeevich, Valentin Yudashkin, Boris Yeltsin, Lev Yashin
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Yermak conquered and annexed Siberia, which was the most significant event in Russian history before the rule of Peter the Great.

Valentin Yudashkin is Russia’s most famous fashion designer and the only Russian designer to be honored with membership in the Syndicate of High Fashion in Paris.

Yeltsin put an end to the USSR, becoming the first president of the post-Soviet Russia.

In 2000 FIFA named Lev Yashin as the best goalkeeper of the 20th century and established the Yashin Award for the Best Goalkeeper.
Zakuska, Georgy Zhukov, Vladimir Zworykin, Slava Zaitsev
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Georgy Zhukov, also known as the ‘Victory Marshall,’ was a life long professional soldier and three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Zworykin is known for his contribution to the development of many electronic devices, including the all-electronic television.

It is only now that the name of Slava Zaitsev has actually become synonymous with exquisite taste and high fashion in Russia.
Nikolay Zabolotsky Slava Zaitsev Vasily Zaitsev Svetlana Zakharova Evgeny Zamyatin Zapoy Zavalinka Nikolay Zelinsky Zemsky Sobor Andrey Zhdanov Vladimir Zhirinovsky Zhostovo Painting Aleksandr Zhukov Georgy Zhukov Nikolay Zhukovsky Vasily Zhukovsky Mikhail Zhvanetsky Grigory Zinovyev Zolotaya Rybka Rikhard Zorge Mikhail Zoshchenko Viktor Zubkov Mikhail Zurabov Sergey Zverev Vladimir Zworykin Gennady Zyuganov Zakuska Zastoy
Roman Abramovich, Administrative division, Andrey Arshavin, AK-47 combat rifle
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Orphaned at the age of three and brought up by relatives in a remote area in Northern Russia, Roman Abramovich has been ranked the 15th richest man in the world by Forbes.

The country’s enormous territory is divided into more than 80 unique and diverse federal entities.

Despite being 1.72 meters tall, Andrey Arshavin is the biggest star in Russian soccer.

The Guiness World Records winner, this automatic assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1949 is still the most widely used weapon in the world.
Apparatchik Avoska Abandoned naval hero Roman Abramovich Administrative division Chinghiz Aitmatov Ivan Aivazovsky AK-47 combat rifle Bella (Izabella) Akhmadulina Anna Akhmatova Vasily Aksenov Boris Akunin Alexander I Alexander II Liberator Alexander III the Peacemaker Alexandrowka, Russian Colony in Potsdam Patriarch Alexy II Zhores Alfyorov Aloisio the New Nina Ananiashvili Daniil Andreev Leonid Andreev Yury Andropov Anna Ioannovna Anna Yaroslavna Annunciation Day St. Anthony of the Caves (Antony Pechersky) Oleg Antonov Andrey Arshavin Art Viktor Astafiev Avos Protopope Avvakum Petrov
Basic facts, Bistro, Timur Bekmambetov, Baba Yaga
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Learn more about Russia’s population, political and economic systems, administrative division and social structure.

Russian fastfood chain, similar to the French. The word originates from the Russian "bistro" meaning "quick" taught to the French during Russian occupation in Napoleonic times.

Timur Bekmambetov is recognized as one of the most talented Post-Soviet Russian film directors and the only Russian film director to enjoy success in Hollywood.
Isaac Babel Babushka Back to the USSR Ivan Bagramyan Pyotr Bagration Leon Bakst Aleksandr Bakulev Mikhail Bakunin Miliy Balakirev Ballet in Kuskovo Konstantin Balmont Yury Baluevsky BAM Banki Banya Yevgeny Baratynsky Mikhail Barklay de Tolly (Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly) Mikhail Baryshnikov Basic facts Basic facts about Russia St. Basil Nikolay Basov Yelena Baturina Bayan Bayan's factory opens its doors to see how the production is going on Gottlieb Sigfried Bayer Vasily Bazhenov Baba Yaga Balalaika Bidon Bistro Blini Vladimir Bekhterev Timur Bekmambetov Vissarion Belinsky Faddey Bellinsgauzen Andrey Bely Aleksandr Benckendorff Aleksandr Benua Nikolay Berdyaev Boris Berezovsky Olga Berggolts Lavrentiy Beria Vitus Bering Mark Bernes Besperspektivnyak Dima Bilan Birch Juice Blat Aleksandr Blok Bogatyr Andrey Bogolyubsky Fyodor Bondarchuk Sergey Bondarchuk St.Boris & Gleb Aleksandr Borodin Pavel Borodin Borshch Evgeny Botkin Ivan Botsis Mikhail Botvinnik Viktor Bout Boyar Leonid Brezhnev Sergey Brin Joseph Brodsky Aleksey Brusilov Karl Bryullov Valery Bryusov Semyon Budenny Nikolay Bukharin Mikhail Bulgakov Ivan Bunin Nikolay Burdenko Business Bylina
Cossacks, Cosmonaut, Climate, Anton Chekhov
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People living in settlements along the southern border of the Russian Empire, who in exchange for their independent living helped protect the country from enemies.

The Arctic chills of the north and the subtropical temperatures of the south span one-seventh of the earth’s dry land - Russia.

Anton Chekhov is the most insightful and époque-making dramatist in Russia, author of world famous plays, mostly through their interpretation by the Moscow Art Theater.
Canine cops - life at a Russian police kennel Catherine I Catherine II the Great Cosmonaut Cossacks Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War Marc Chagall Anna Chakvetadze Feodor Chaliapin Vasily Chapaev Igor Chapurin Yury Chayka Evgeny Chazov Cheburashka Anton Chekhov Mikhail Chekhov Konstantin Chernenko Max Chernitsov Chernobyl Viktor Chernomyrdin Sergey Cheskidov Gaetano Chiaveri Boris Chirkov Valery Chkalov Anatoly Chubais Korney Chukovsky Inna Churikova Cinema and theater Classic GAZ car show Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz Climate Collectivization Cornelius Cruys CSKA Curvy Moscow Metro
Sergey Diagilev, Draniki, Ded Moroz, Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Sergey Diagilev is considered to be the first Russian to bring Russian art abroad. His Ballets Russes attained an unprecedented level of fame from 1909 until 1929.

Fyodor Dostoevsky was one of Russia’s greatest writers, one whose works are read and discussed all over the world.
Dacha Vladimir Dahl Ekaterina Dashkova Denis Davydov Ded Moroz Draniki Dedovshchina The Demidov dynasty Anton Denikin Oleg Deripaska Gavriil Derzhavin Aleksandr Deyneka Semyon Dezhnyov Sergey Diagilev Dmitry Donskoy Yury Dolgoruky Domostroy Fyodor Dostoevsky Sergei Dovlatov Druzhina Dukhovnost Russian Duma Pavel Durov Nadezhda Durova The Durovs Felix Dzerzhinsky
Ilya Ehrenburg, Economy, Sergey Esenin, Sergey Eisenstein
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Russia’s oil driven economic boom continues, while the country still aspires to join the WTO.

Sergey Esenin's flamboyant personality, peasant origins, and craving for self-destruction have forever canonized him as Russia's favorite "hooligan poet."

A film director and father of montage cinema, Sergey Eisenstein's works are still regarded as among the most significant in cinema history.
From Empire to communism, Fortochka, Svyatoslav Fyodorov, Viacheslav Fetisov
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Russia's growing industrialization stimulates a strong socialist movement among workers, who seek revolution in the country. They succeed in February 1917.

The little window, which is usually the top part of the main window frame. One may keep it open to air the room even during the most severe Russian winter.

Throughout his life, Svyatoslav Fyodorov had done just that, helping hundreds of thousands of people through his pioneering eye surgery.

Viacheslav Fetisov is one of the most decorated players in the history of hockey with Olympic golds, seven World champion titles and holder of two Stanley Cup rings.
Peter Carl Faberge Fartsovshchik Festival of early History and Culture "Gorodetskoe Gulbishe" Afanasy Fet Viacheslav Fetisov Fortochka Sergey Filatov Aristotele Fioravanti Fire and water in Siberia: cross-river war games Denis Fonvizin Foreigners in Russia Mikhail Fradkov From Empire to communism Mikhail Frunze Fyodor I “The Bellringer” Svyatoslav Fyodorov Ivan Fyodorov
Glasnost and perestroika times, Nikolay Gogol, Valery Gergiev, Yury Gagarin
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After stagnation under Brezhnev, Gorbachev finally takes the first real steps to end the cold war and implements economic reforms with ‘Glasnost’ and ‘Perestroika’.

Valery Gergiev, head of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, is one of the most sought after conductors in the world, applauded at the podiums of major opera houses and orchestras.

Yury Gagarin was the first man to orbit the earth in a man-made spacecraft leading the world into the era of the space exploration.
Yury Gagarin Gagarin Underground Arkady Gaidamak Egor Gaidar Arkady Gaidar Aleksandr Galich Galleries Galoshi Rasul Gamzatov Nikolay Gastello Geography and exploration Valery Gergiev Nikolay Ghe Domenico Gilardi Vladimir Gilyarovsky Girya Glasnost Glasnost and perestroika times Aleksandr Glazunov Ilya Glazunov Mikhail Glinka Boris Godunov Nikolay Gogol Tatyana Golikova Golubtsi Ivan Goncharov Gopnik Mikhail Gorbachev Aleksandr Gorchakov Patrick Gordon Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Peshkov) Gosplan Grand Embassy The Great Patriotic War Andrey Grechko German Gref Aleksandr Griboyedov Yury Grigorovich Boris Gromov Andrey Gromyko The GULAG Nikolay Gumilev Lev Gumilev Lyudmila Gurchenko Gzhel
Aleksandr Herzen, Healing wounds of wild 90s, Highroad for the Soviets, Dmitry Hvorostovsky
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Boris Yeltsin left behind a controversial legacy, guiding Russia through a time of great change and challenge.

Following the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia and start gearing up to build a communist union with their closest neighbors, known as Soviet Union.

From the moment he won the Cardiff Singer of the World competition in 1989, Dmitry Hvorostovsky has been hailed as one of the greatest voices of all times.
Ivan I Kalita, Sergey Ivanov, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Ilya Muromets
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A cunning and cruel politician, Ivan Kalita greatly contributed to the development and enforcement of the Moscow principality.

Sergey Ivanov is First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. He is a reserve colonel general and a member of the Russian Security Council.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is the first and only president of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia to date and also the president of the World Chess Federation.

The saint, who became the prototype of an ancient Russian folk epic hero, known for his strength and courage, while fighting off the enemies.
Kievan Rus, Nikita Khrushchev, Alina Kabayeva, Mikhail Khodorkovsky
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Shaped in the 9th century, Kievan Rus is traditionally seen as the beginning of Russia and the precursor of Belarus and Ukraine.

Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, who succeeded Stalin and exposed his personality cult, bringing the famous "Khrushchev thaw" to the country.

Alina Kabayeva is one of the most beautiful women in Russia and the country´s most successful rhythmic gymnast to date. Her career wins include 18 World Championship medals, 2 Olympic medals and 25 European Championship medals.

Once Russia’s richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky became even more famous after he was sentenced to prison for the biggest tax fraud in Russian history.
Alina Kabayeva Lazar Kaganovich Mikhail Kalashnikov Mikhail Kalatozov Mikhail Kalinin Lev Kamenev Vassily Kandinsky Pyotr Kapitsa Nikolay Karamzin Karavay Dmitry Karbyshev Anatoly Karpov Anatoly Kashpirovsky Garry Kasparov Mikhail Kasyanov Katyusha Mstislav Keldysh Aleksandr Kerensky Yerofey Khabarov Konstantin Khabensky Aram Khachaturyan Chulpan Khamatova Khandra Aleksansdr Khanzhonkov Valery Kharlamov Daniil Kharms Aleksandr Khloponin Bohdan Khmelnitsky Mikhail Khodorkovsky Svetlana Khorkina Viktor Khristenko Nikita Khrushchev Khrushchev Kievan Rus Sergey Kirienko Patriarch Kirill Sergey Kirov Kissel Kefir KGB Khalyava Khokhloma Kholodets Kipyatilnik Kolbasa Koshchey Bessmertny Kosovorotka Kvas Vasily Klyuchevsky Knight fight: medieval sport for modern heroes Viktor Kochubey Kokoshnik Aleksandr Kolchak Kolkhoz Aleksandra Kollontai Kolobok Anatoly Komm Kompot Komsomol Pyotr Konchalovsky Andrey Konchalovsky Ivan Konev Fyodor Konyukhov Kooperativ Ilya Kormiltsev Lavr Kornilov Sergey Korolev Koromyslo Mikhail Koshkin Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Aleksey Kosygin Anna Kournikova Sofia Kovalevskaya Dmitry Kozak Ivan Kozhedub Ivan Kramskoy Ivan Kruzenshtern (Adam Johann von Krusenstern) Ivan Krylov Matilda Kshesinskaya Aleksey Kudrin Arkhip Kuindzhi Kulak Ivan Kulibin Kulich Aleksandr Kuprin Igor Kurchatov Mikhail Kutuzov Kuzka's mother
Aleksey Leonov, Language, Mikhail Lomonosov, Vladimir Lenin
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While Russian is spoken by nearly 200 thousand people worldwide, it is only one of the 100 other languages spoken in the country.

Mikhail Lomonosov was the first Russian scientist who combined his outstanding scientific discoveries with laying the foundations of the modern Russian language.

Vladimir Lenin was the guiding spirit of the Soviet Republic, leader of the Bolshevik Party and the mastermind of the 1917 October Revolution.
The Ilyich Lamp Lev Landau Language Lapti Sergey Lavrov Mikhail Lazarev Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond Leaders Franz Lefort Sergey Lemeshev Vladimir Lenin Aleksey Leonov Mikhail Lermontov Nikolay Leskov Alexander Leslie Letopis Isaac Levitan Yury Levitan Maris Liepa Ilse Liepa Dmitry Likhachyov Limitchik Eduard Limonov Vladislav Listyev Literature Aleksandr Litvinenko Living God in Siberia Nikolai Lobachevsky Lokh Mikhail Lomonosov Ulyana Lopatkina Lubok Andrey Lugovoy Vladimir Lukin Sergey Lukyanenko Anatoly Lunacharsky Yury Luzhkov The Lykovs
Prominent Russians: faces of Russia

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