Prominent Russians: Anatoly Komm

Anatoly Komm represents Russia’s culinary hope, pride and a chance to bring international acclaim to Russian gastronomic traditions. The successful chef has been making headlines in Moscow and abroad as the lucrative owner of restaurants serving molecular cuisine to patrons from all over the globe.
Born in Moscow in 1967 the future chef started out on a completely different path. After studying geophysics, Komm began working in the computer business. He then moved to fashion, traveling all over Europe. His first taste in business started when he became co-owner of the company “Hovik.” Later he became president of the company “Koty” which carries famous brands like Versace, Dolce & Gabbana and others.
However, it was his interest in the culinary arts, which he says he discovered at the age of four, which brought him to his true calling in life. Komm’s first restaurant, Green, was opened in 2001.
Today he is the head-chef of five restaurants, all of which he owns. Komm is also the first Russian to have an establishment (his restaurant in Geneva) listed in the prestigious Michelin guide.
Anatoly Komm’s latest project is evocatively named “Varvary” (Barbarians). The somewhat gaudy

classic Russian interior covered with lace, lush carpets and hand-carved stools serves a set menu of two “spectacles” - Russian Tradition or Russian Renaissance - containing nine courses of Russian “haute” cuisine. Some prominent figures travel to Moscow exclusively for a dinner at “Varvary” and getting a reservation takes some persistence and patience as the waiting list is seemingly endless.
Prices are also far-reaching, with customers looking at around $200 for a simple meal, not including alcohol.
Komm believes in using only local ingredients to produce local food. However, he does

not shy away from technology, employing centrifuges, vacuum chambers and other inventions to re-create some of the most well known traditional Russian dishes.

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